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Discover How To Transform Even The Most Desperate, Cash-Starved Business Into A Well-Oiled, High-Profit Money Machine — In 60 Days or Less And Funnel Your Way To MASSIVE Backend Profits Starting Today !
Finally Revealed: The Exact Inside Information 100+ Info-Millionaires Have Already Used To Build Their Own 7-Figure Businesses!
If someone you knew to be enormously successful, who you respected and trusted offered to reveal to you THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT SECRET that makes the difference in business between huge profits, wealth, and ideal lifestyle vs. struggling just to earn a modest income — would you pay attention?
And what might you pay for that coaching session, where such a secret would be revealed?
On top of that, what if this person offered an IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE, that the little-known, little-understood information he would reveal would be worth at least $100,000.00 in added wealth to you in the first 12 months you possessed it alone?
I’m that person, and the ‘secret’ is the subject of this letter.
My name is Dan Kennedy, and if you are receiving this letter, you probably are already quite familiar with me, and have heard me speak, attended my seminars, maybe receive my newsletter and have already profited from knowing me.
However, what you may not know is, that it is THIS SECRET, more so than any or all other know-how I’ve acquired in 30 years, that has been directly responsible for the following achievements, which might also be appealing for you:
To make a very large income from serving a surprisingly small number of customers, thus enjoying a simple, low-stress business.
To create very predictable, dependable income. For the past 4 years, I have predicted my next year’s income 10 to 12 months in advance and been within 5% of the target each year.
To get wealthy fast. Personally, I’ve created more wealth for myself in the past 6 years than in the previous 24. I have clients who’ve multiplied their wealth by as much as 100-times in just a few years by applying this SECRET to their businesses.
> To make a business saleable for a large “exit payday.” That may or may not interest you in the short-term, but take the long view. I did sell a part of my business in 1999, for a substantial sum, plus continuing compensation. I did so in a field where 99% of all businesses are never saleable! Why? THIS SECRET.
To multiply your income without multiplying your work, hours or headaches.
Once THIS SECRET is fully deployed in your business, you’ll be on a most unusual economic curve, able to work less and less yet make more and more.
Now this may shock you, but I am going to reveal THE SECRET right here in this letter. No charge. Nothing to buy.
This violates a rule of writing sales letters, incidentally; never to educate, only to persuade and motivate. However, if you were properly selected to receive this letter, then I have every reason to believe you are a bit “smarter than the average bear”, so that I can go ahead and give you quite a bit of information and then let you arrive at your own decision about acting on it, and trust you’ll do so, without relying on a lot of fancy salesmanship. We’ll see.
Anyway, whether I’m nuts for doing so, or not, I’m going to start teaching, not selling, so please get a highlighter or pen to underline and make notes, because you’ll probably want to keep this letter, reflect on it, possibly share it with associates.
What “THE Secret” Is Not
Let me begin by telling you — maybe surprising you — with what THE SECRET is not.
It is not attitudinal. While attitude, mind-set, self-motivation, etc. are all extremely important, and there most certainly are critically important differences between the way super-successful entrepreneurs think vs. the way everybody else thinks, this still is NOT the most powerful point of wealth-leverage. Not even close.
It is not “direct response marketing.” While avoiding traditional advertising like the plague is mandatory, and understanding and using direct marketing, from powerful copy to the right media, is all part of the winning formula, it is NOT the most important key to a giant income.
It is not “target marketing” either. While zeroing in only on high probability prospects, and marketing efficiently is very beneficial, that isn’t THE SECRET either.
Oh, and it is not business specific, either. As you know, I’m in the “information marketing business” as are many of my clients, Platinum Inner Circle Members, and joint venture partners, so I’ve been applying THE SECRET to those kinds of businesses. But THE SECRET has near-universal application . Odds are great, to your particular business, too. Small or large, local or national, product or service, doesn’t matter. Your key to unprecedented financial success and freedom is this SECRET.
Also, this is NOT related to any one “breakthrough opportunity”, like the Internet, or Websites, or e-mail, or FAXing, or whatever. It’s bigger than such things. But it is NOT vague and conceptual either; it is hard-as-nails practical.
Who’s kidding who —
there really aren’t any secrets left,
are there????
Okay, you got me.
Truth is, as secrets go, what I’m about to lay out before you isn’t much of a secret. Not like, say, Bill Clinton’s Black Book or the engineering plans for a stealth bomber. Maybe you’ll feel a bit of a let-down when I pull back the cover and show it to you…but…
Keep two very important things in mind:
First, I assure you that the reason 95% of all business owners and entrepreneurs never get beyond earning a living, to creating gigantic income, profits, wealth and freedom is this “thing” we’re about to discuss. And if just about ANY businessperson were to re-focus the bulk of his attention, energy and effort to this “thing”, his income would take off like a rocket.
Second, there’s quite a gap between knowing about a ‘secret’ and knowing what to do about what you know — and then doing it.
That’s why, after discussing this with you, I, of course, do want to offer you an action step, a way to do what 95% won’t do; to get focused on and into productive action on this ‘secret’ immediately.
Now, here it is:
Every businessperson is way too focused on the “front-end” of his business, the getting of customers, the making of sales — and barely pays any attention at all to the “back-end” of the business. Yet, “the back-end” is where all the real opportunities lie.
Yeah, maybe you already knew that.
But let’s dig deeper…..Forget about whether you know it or not, and honestly confront this question:
If I offered you $1,000.00 right now to show me, in diagram form, your thorough, comprehensive, detailed SYSTEM for creating maximum value and getting maximum income from each customer that enters your business, would you be chest-beating proud of your system????
Most business owners would rather strip naked in the center of town at high noon than show me their “back-end marketing system.
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