“I do really need to thank you, your website was the only place I could get reliable and scientific information that considered multiple sides on hairloss.
Reddit and other hairloss forums are a complete mess filled with misinformation, fearmongering and bitter people. I should have started my hairloss journey 3-4 years ago…
I know it’s going to take some time to regrow more but I might actually get to experience some of my youth before I’m actually old because of you and honestly that means the world to me.”
–MTC, 23, Australia
“As I mentioned in one of my comments, I see a massive amount of regrowth that is all less than about 8 cm long... I can’t thank you enough for what your program—essentially all of your time and research—has done for me!
The key is to get your information to hair loss sufferers early on in the process—before they have been bombarded with misinformation and the myriad (and costly) product pitches that leads nowhere except to discouragement.”
–Lisa, 52, U.S.

When looking for answers on hair loss,
Frustrated trying dozens of pills, topicals, or shampoos with zero results?
Confused about the causes of hair loss? (Hint: it’s not just DHT)
Unsure if a new product you’ve found online is the real deal or a scam?
Trapped between choosing either your hair health… or your sexual health?
Overwhelmed by the negative, unhelpful environment of most hair loss forums?
Exhausted reading so many conflicting pieces of advice?
If so, I can relate.
I was diagnosed with pattern hair loss in 2007. For the next five years, I spoke to doctors, searched online, and tested dozens of treatments – all to try and get the facts on my hair loss (and how to reverse it).
I’ll save you the suspense: I never found an unbiased resource.
Hair loss forums always seemed hostile and split into two camps: “natural” versus “conventional”
Physicians always said my only options were minoxidil, finasteride, or a hair transplant
Dermatologists always skipped a health exam and tried to prescribe Propecia® (or upsell me into low-level laser treatments or platelet-rich plasma therapies)
WONDERFUL | Rob – Perfect hair health