After working with thousands of athletes, it has become crystal clear that several problems exist:
- Once “traditional” sports end, athletes are left without a team and without a competitive outlet.
- The strength sports that do exist are not conducive to building complete super freak strength athletes. Sure, you may be strong or jacked, but where’s your engine? Can you jump? How about running? Do you move like a jungle cat or a boulder? Are you even athletic?
- No training platform exists to build this new breed of apex athlete. An athlete that can deadlift 600 lbs, squat 500 lbs, bench 350 lbs, be jacked, smash a metcon, ruck up a mountain and jump out of the gym.
There’s A Better Way
TRAIN represents a major shift from the norm. We have built a team of some of the best coaches and athletes on the planet to revolutionize how you train and the results you get. See below to learn how we can make it happen for you.
We are not for everyone, and that’s very intentional. We have nothing against other sports, and in fact, almost all of our coaches compete in sports like powerlifting, strongman, bodybuilding, Crossfit™ etc. TRAIN, however, is about not specializing. It’s about forging a new breed of athlete based on the following methodology:
- Get you strong in the big 4: squat, press, deadlift and pull
- Get you powerful using jumps, throws, sprints and specific lifting methods
- Get you jacked by pummeling you with metabolic stress and mechanical tension
- Teach you to move like a jungle cat through superior exercise selection and cueing.
- Build you an engine that has both horsepower and capacity with traditional elements like running, biking, rowing etc.
- Challenge you to blend strength, power and capacity using metcons and medleys
If you give us the keys to the car, we can make these things happen for you in a big way. If you don’t, well than that’s on you. Best of luck being mediocre.
Like the A-Team but better.
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